January 28, 2022
We are proud to announce that Stacy Arnold has earned her Certified Safety Professional (CSP) credential. The presence and enforcement of a rigorous and up-to-date safety program at RJM is a cornerstone of our success in delivering quality projects to our clients. As issued by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (CSP), the CSP shows that an individual meets the requirements for “the gold standard of safety, health, and environmental credentials.”
Prior to this credential, Stacy earned the Associate Safety Professional (ASP) certification. She started preparing for that exam in early 2020, but her goals were put on hold due to COVID-19 cancellations. On November 22nd of 2021, Stacy finally was able to pass her ASP exam, and quickly passed her CSP only a month later.
We congratulate Director of Safety Stacy Arnold on this major achievement!