RJM’s Business Development Director Darcy Futrell, a veteran of the commercial real estate and construction industries in the Twin Cities, is retiring this September. During her seven years at RJM we’ve appreciated her tremendous energy and efforts to build strong partnerships within our industry and beyond. While we’ll certainly miss her, we wish her the best of luck as she embarks on her new venture. Before she departs, we asked Darcy to share some thoughts as she looks back on her career.
I started my career in commercial real estate working for Prime Development Corporation. I answered an ad in the StarTribune and was hired to open and run a co-working office in Eden Prairie at Primetech Park and in downtown Minneapolis at 300 First Avenue N.
I’ve worked in property management, leasing, tenant coordination, project management and now business development. My favorite part of each of these positions was relationship building and getting to know clients and industry people.
It doesn’t matter what type of project I’m pursuing, what I really enjoy is putting the pieces together and working on the details to make a project come together.
The thing that makes business development so interesting is that there is no typical day. Each day is different whether it starts with a networking coffee meeting or an association committee meeting. There will frequently be a networking lunch meeting, and there is almost always an industry association program to attend. I also spend time reaching out to industry professionals to gather information on prospective leads. I’m always trying to find creative ways to connect with people in ways that they would find enjoyable.
High point: When I received the MNCREW Empowering Women award in 2019. I was nominated by Barb Chirinos with Old Republic Title, and she reached out to three female competitors and one subcontractor who all provided written testimonials on why I should receive the award. It really meant a lot to me.
Not so high points…losing industry friends way too early in their lives. After working in commercial real estate since 1984, the people I have met along the way have become friends. It’s very hard to see some of these people leave us so young.
I really don’t think about how I would have done things differently. I believe the experiences we have happen for a reason, and we’re suppose to figure out the lesson to be learned. I also try to find the best things about each experience. It’s not always easy, but I try.
I am looking forward to figuring out ways to pursue the things I truly enjoy doing, spending more time with friends and family, and traveling. It will be great to not be rushed by a schedule!
With Barb Chirinos at MNCREW 20th Anniversary Party
NAIOP Golf Event 2017. Scott Gilbertson, who is now in RJM’s new Business Development role, is second from right.
Darcy checking out a job site.
Salmon fishing in Alaska.
Racing for the kids!
I feel fortunate to have worked with Darcy these past seven years. RJM has greatly benefited from her efforts, and it’s especially encouraging to see how she has continually set a strong example for other women leaders in our industry.