This is an uncertain time for the commercial real estate industry, particularly concerning corporate businesses whose knowledge workers have proven they can get work done without being confined to a cubicle. Many office buildings remain nearly empty, and many companies have no clear vision how – or if – to fill them up again. For many companies questions remain around what is the most efficient and agreeable work model for staff. We are seeing a mix of scenarios in play: full-time in-office hours, hybrid remote/in-office, and full-time remote. How are workers’ perspectives – fresh from coming out of a remote- and Zoom-driven culture – impacting these decisions? Where does your company stand on this issue? What drives the decision? As many will agree, there is no one clear-cut solution for all.
Read more from different perspectives:
Uncertainty Still Rules the Day in Minnesota Office Market
Workers Are Winning the Return-to-Office War Because They’re Right
With Inflation Workers are Facing Return-to-Work Sticker Shock
Photo by Eastman Childs on Unsplash