I enjoy working and being a part of a team that creates and helps build something that lasts for generations.
Everyone, no matter big or small has a role in completing a successful day.
I enjoy event planning and creating gift baskets.
I enjoy the camaraderie between our teams.
I have learned that spending extra effort and time on preconstruction makes a job more successful.
I have many outdoor hobbies. My favorites are during the winter: snowmobiling and hockey.
This industry is full of great people and great companies, having the opportunity to be around both has been a blessing.
Helping a client achieve a successful project that meets their mission, vision and budget is very rewarding, being part of those teams in a high honor
My role gives me the opportunity to be a resource and help others. There are so many ways this can be done which is what I enjoy most.
I’ve learned there are many hands that assist in the office and on the jobsite taking a project from start to finish.
Sweet drinks and desserts are my favorites! I’m also a fan of sprinkles and believe they really do make everything taste better
My current career goals are to find what place in the industry I fit in best and where my skills fit the best. Long term, I would like to be part of a team where I make a difference and be able to look back at the projects I was a part of and be proud of them.
Mechanical and Electrical Systems for Construction
I am most excited to be able to see how things work in the industry outside of a classroom setting. I also hope to develop both soft and hard skills to help me become a successful construction professional.
This is my first position within the construction industry. No matter what industry you are a part of, if your focus is on what is best for the customer, best for the company, best for the team, and then best for yourself, your priorities will determine the next steps.
Working in an environment that is fast-paced and focused on people.
I have a twin sister, but many say you can’t even see a sibling resemblance.
I enjoy the atmosphere and genuine camaraderie in the office and also the strong long-term client relationships that RJM has created over the years. Some of my most enjoyable memories have been through work relationships and activities.
I’ve learned to never make assumptions on anything related to a construction project and always plan ahead and follow-up with detailed commitments.
In High School, I rode my bicycle 10 miles each way to football practice every day and after practice, unloaded bags of pickles, handpicked during the day, for processing at a local farm until late in the evening as my first job.
One of the things I like the most about working at RJM is the variety of work that we perform. My first job at RJM was to build a sports dome; nothing like anything I had done before but I was up to the challenge.
One thing I’ve learned since being in the construction industry is don’t assume anything. Make sure you are communicating your ideas and expectations with everyone involved.
I started my career as an Aircraft Powerplant and Airframe Mechanic working on business jets and helicopters.
RJM truly puts family first, I appreciate the work/personal life balance.
To be fluid and able to adapt to changes quickly. Things hardly go as planned so having the ability to work with the changes is key.
I’m a huge marvel fan, I’ve seen all the marvel superhero movies countless times.
Being friendly can get you very far.
I own a few multi-family buildings and work on them in my free time.
I am excited to start a new role at a new company. I’m looking forward to seeing how another organization operates and learning new skills along the way.
Hunting, skiing, spending time with family & friends, shopping, traveling.
My favorite food is steak.
I am looking forward to working alongside the people who are in the position I want to reach someday.
I get to work with so many bright and hard-working people every day.
Risk management is a 24/7 mindset.
In 1980 I spent the summer working as a laborer 30+ floors above Michigan Avenue in Chicago for a subcontractor doing concrete formwork on a condominium tower project.
I enjoy collaborating with a team to bring a set of plans to life. Seeing the tangible results of hard work is extremely satisfying.
Documentation is critical.
I aspire to one day have an aquarium full of seahorses.
I enjoy working with all the different teams.
Plan, schedule, plan!
I enjoy hunting, fishing and all outdoor activities
After being in industrial/commercial construction for 10 years of my career, I learned that the people who work in construction can make any idea a reality. They are some of the hardest working, creative people I know.
Human resources is a constantly changing field with a variety of areas to develop within and it is rarely the same day twice, which makes the work exciting. The people I’ve met, relationships developed along the way never cease to amaze me, I learn so much from others.
Every day is a new challenge. I started as a carpenter and now I’m running our biggest project to date. Our whole staff sees the importance of completing a project as fast and as perfect as we can.
Always have a plan and then three more. So when the first blows up in your face you have another for backup.
I have three daughters and am a bee keeper.
I enjoy the fact that I get to do a little bit of everything in my role, and I appreciate the people. Everyone is willing to work toward the betterment of the company as a team and we all have fun along the way.
I have learned the importance of being flexible as everyday something changes.
I enjoy riding just about anything with a motor.
The versatility of the position.
I enjoy working with the RJM project team.
Every day is a new set of challenges; take it one day at a time.
I enjoy working on classic cars.
I love to cook and bake, I’m a huge foodie person and find joy in cooking and trying new things.
Fun fact, I learned how to ski a couple years ago and when going down the hills/slopes I scream “PIZZA” the whole way down so I remember how to come to a stop!
Always be willing to learn new things and be open to different ideas. Don’t limit yourself and always look for ways to expand your knowledge.
What drew me to RJM was the culture. The “team first” attitude, inclusivity, embracing of technology, and the overall desire to be better each day from the entire team make it easy to go to work each day.
We are in the “people” business, we just happen to build things. If you keep people at the forefront of what you do, the parts and pieces that make up a building go together much easier.
Although I don’t get to go as often as I like, I really enjoy checking out art museums and architecture. Also, I like heavy metal music and college football.
Construction isn’t always black and white. Over the years, I’ve learned from so many in our industry that there are many different ways and techniques to approach a problem. Always keep an open mind and learn from other’s input.
I enjoy woodworking. I have made lots of custom cabinets and built-ins for family and friends. Lately, I have specialized in custom garage build-outs.
Being in a superintendent role is very rewarding. Watching a project come together from an owner’s vision to final completion is very satisfying.
To take Cruises to the Eastern Caribbean and Snowmobile in the Superior National Forest.
I create and sell my own brand of candles and wax melts.
I love the opportunity to interact and help people and build those positive partnerships.
I appreciate that RJM is extremely customer-driven. For me there nothing more important than a customer being satisfied with their finished product.
Construction is the only type of work I have ever done. During my twenty-five year career, the most important thing I have learned is that regardless of whom you are dealing with whether it be the client, sub-contractors, or the employee sweeping the job site, treat them as you would like to be treated.
I am a sports enthusiast, now mostly coaching or watching. I enjoy hunting, fishing, and spending a lot of time with my family.
You can not be successful without being surrounded by a good team.
I am addicted to sour candy.
I enjoy meeting and working with different people and trade partners. I am excited to see what I can learn and accomplish working with RJM.
To have been part of the growth since RJM was first founded.
You don’t know what the day will bring. Always evolving and interesting.
Married on the 1980’s Olympic rink in Lake Placid (for those of you who are hockey fans).
The number one reason I enjoy working at RJM is the people. We have a great group of enthusiastic, hardworking people, all with the same goal in mind. This makes it fun to come to work.
Success and failure in this business is all based on communication. Good communication leads to success and poor or lack of communication results in failure. It’s all about communication.
In 1991 I was the International Karting Federation Grand National Champion for 8-11 year old’s in the United States. Many of the competitors went on to careers in NASCAR, Indy Car, and other professional forms of motorsports.
Everything happens for a reason and it will all work out in the end.
I am looking forward to working on larger projects.
I’m a Green Bay Packers fan.
Murphy’s law is the truth.
I completed the Twin Cities Marathon. I’m quite adventurous and am always up for a new challenge.
Every project has a new and unique set of characteristics even though many methods are repeated, every project has something new.
For every problem there is always a solution! Construction projects will always have hurdles to work through and the ability to problem solve and work together as a team will surely allow for the end goal to be met.
Being able to see a project from conception to completion knowing how much time and effort is put in from numerous groups of people and being able to turn the keys over to someone’s vision or to provide a better experience for the end user is what puts a smile on my face!
With little to no preparation I have ran a marathon and hiked to Machu Picchu!
I love that the construction industry has unique challenges and always seems to find a way to create problem solving strategies. No two days are ever the same in building!
Fun Fact: I share the same name as a popular vegetable, but I am not named after the vegetable.
I enjoy that Safety is a team sport and am looking forward to getting involved in the role with RJM. Each person who touches a project has an impact on the safety outcomes from pre-planning, proactive prevention of incidents, influencing others, and driving a safety culture forward.
You never know what the day will bring and more than likely you will learn something every day.
RJM has really challenged and pushed me to be where I am today. A company that is willing to challenge you is a benefit as they want to see their employees succeed.
I was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and my wife and I enjoy trying new places to hike.
I enjoy working and getting to know different clients throughout the process and then walking through a finished project with them. It is very rewarding to see how they appreciate our hard work.
I’ve learned how much preconstruction can come into play, and help deliver a successful project.
My wife and I have four boys at four different schools: UW-LaCrosse, Hudson High School, Shattuck St. Mary’s, and Hudson Middle School. All four also play hockey.
Hockey season leaves little free time being a hockey mom, but I love to read books, lift weights, plan out family vacations, and hit the lake or beach in the summertime.
I used to run a hobby cupcake business- I’ve made hundreds of cupcakes at a time for graduations, weddings, birthdays, you name it!
No two jobs are the same.
Working in the field, I get to meet many different people and how you need to adapt quickly to all the different personalities to make a project work smoothly.
Every task is an opportunity. Not a problem.
Most people don’t know I like model railroading (trains). I have a large model railroad layout under construction in my basement.
Strong communication is key to success. Communication will ensure everyone involved is moving in the same direction to complete the project and exceed objectives.
I most enjoy collaborating with those on our team and the various connections made on every project. These relationships can contribute to one’s efficiency, and provide resources and outside perspectives to any given situation.
I’ve never broken a bone in my lifetime.
I enjoy the fast paced collaborative effort preconstruction requires, not one project is the same and all need different attention.
Say what you mean, mean what you say, don’t be mean when you say it.
I enjoy all things to do with aquatics, from a day on the lake too maintaining my fish tanks.
The days are always interesting – something new to learn all the time.
A great team working together makes all the difference.
I have hiked a fourteener and winter camped in Colorado.
I enjoy being part of such a collaborative and forward-thinking culture. Everyone at RJM shares the same vision and is dedicated to bringing those visions to life.
Always keep a positive attitude, a smile on your face, and don’t be afraid of hard work.
I love spending time on the lake!
There is always more than one way to overcome an obstacle in the field. I’ve learned to really rely on the knowledge and experience of others and work together to come up with creative solutions to unique challenges.
I love the collaboration and collective efforts of all the people it takes to bring a project from concept to creation.
I recently completed a frame-up restoration of a 1983 Jeep CJ7. It took me way longer than I thought it would, but it was worth it!
That I never want to leave it ????! There’s something so gratifying about being a part of bringing someone’s vision to fruition while improving the communities in which we live, work, and play.
I’m so grateful for the opportunity to help mentor marketers early in their careers again. It’s one of the most satisfying parts of my job to watch others grow professionally!
I’m originally from the south – Mobile, AL. I moved to Minnesota in third grade.
Communication is everything. It can turn a hostile situation good and a good situation hostile. It’s your choice.
Growing up I always wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon
Although I have not started working with RJM quite yet, I enjoy the learning experience. Everyday there is something new to learn and improve on. The construction industry never stops evolving and it makes everyday different. I am excited to learn and grow with this company.
The fast pace and variety of work to do. Every day is different. If you like problem-solving, it is a good place for you.
RJM does work as a team. Some companies say they do, RJM practices it. There is a proverb that says “in the multitude of counselors there is success”. I believe in that. No one knows everything. It is good to use to your advantage multiple points of view when necessary. RJM is a good place to work. It is refreshing to be in a company that wants to grow.
I enjoy watching horse racing with my 3 daughters.
The key to success to any portion of a project is good communication. Good communication will help you solve the constantly changing challenges of day to day work.
I love that I get to work with so many people internally and externally. It is amazing how important relationships are in my role.
I am very passionate about filmmaking and love to analyze how movies are made.
It takes hard work and tenacity to build something from nothing.
The people!
I have visited 32 states and have lived in 11 of them.
The satisfaction of completing a successful project and being asked to do another project for the same client.
My mancave is the one place I don’t have to explain anything.
You will always be learning something new.
I’m basically blind in my right eye.
There is always more to learn, and learning to trust (and utilize) your resources is critical to success.
Go Hornets! Born and raised Cake Eater!
Working as a team to identify solutions that bring the most value to a project/process is what regularly excited me. Doing it with great people makes it even more rewarding!
Participating in the growth of the team which has led to the growth of the business, both in depth and project complexity. I marvel at where we are today and the team we have.
As the general contractor we are responsible for everything that happens over the life of a project. We must be vigilant in our decision making process to make sure every detail is done correctly.
I grew up in a small town in west central Minnesota; lived in town but my friends were all farmers. I can milk a cow by hand and drive a 1949 combine
I enjoy the collaboration between the different departments and team members in achieving our common goals.
The keys to all successful projects are teamwork, communication, and honesty between the contractor, owner, architect, and subcontractors.
I have started learning guitar during the state’s stay-at-home restrictions.
When working on construction projects, there are no two projects that are exactly the same. Working at RJM our team-oriented atmosphere helps make taking on a project’s different challenges rewarding.
Good communication is essential to a project’s success. Communication helps the project team work well together to efficiently complete a project.
I have an identical twin brother that lives in California.
I really enjoy the team interaction at RJM. Simply a great group of people to work with.
I have learned that you never stop learning.
In a much younger life, I was a weatherman on an aircraft carrier in the US Navy.
Respect is the most important thing to understand and to give in this industry.
I enjoy the positive atmosphere.
We have 2 healthy and very active twin toddler grandsons.
The people at RJM are what make it a great company to work for. I appreciate the collaborative, team-oriented approach we use to manage our projects. My favorite part of being a project engineer is digging into the plans and knowing the project inside and out. I enjoy the challenging, fast-paced nature of project management. Seeing the end user’s eyes light up when they see the product in progress and following up with them to see how much they enjoy the finished product make all the struggles of the project worthwhile.
My experience at RJM has taught me so many lessons and I continue to gain knowledge and grow personally & professionally every day. The most important lesson I’ve learned is that each and every person is vitally important to the success of a project. Every role is always dependent on another and getting complete buy-in from everyone involved is extremely important. We all have to row the boat in the same direction.
I married my high school sweetheart last October. I like playing acoustic guitar in my free time. I also like woodworking, building anything and everything I can (furniture, crafts, etc.) I will play any sport and I am very competitive when I play no matter how bad I am. (I hate losing!)
The MN North Shore!
My family has two black labs, Radar and Breezer. Radar is a registered Therapy Dog and works at an elementary school with my dad (the principal) in the Bloomington Public Schools district!
I am looking forward to working with team members from all departments and learning more about RJM’s projects!
Rolling with the punches is key.
I’ve been on stage with Don Rickles in Las Vegas.
To get out in the community and talk to people who are planning & designing structures and get to see them come to life in 3D form is very rewarding for me.
With the current industry conditions, it is critical that communication is clear and upheld. Unplanned shortages and backorders can be expected. Vigilance is key.
There is a 22-year gap in age between myself and my youngest sibling… I’ll probably be grey-headed by the time they attend college.
Having worked in three other industries, I am excited to learn about the construction industry and to understand both its similarities and differences compared to my previous experiences.
I have lived in 7 different states and 2 other countries.
Working in IT is both exciting and challenging. No two days are ever the same, and there are always new things to learn. It keeps me on my toes and constantly growing.
I love the people at RJM . In preconstruction I enjoy all the various project types I have worked on throughout the years.
The construction industry is a smaller group than I realized. It is great to build relationships with our industry partners, get to know them, and work through all of the project fun!
In college I worked at Mariucci Arena as a Zamboni driver.
My career goals are focused on gaining new experiences that will lead me to be an experienced professional, developing new skills based on the field needs, and at the same time, giving something back to the community.
Project Management and Quality Engineering.
I want to learn as much as I can and contribute to RJM’s goals. While at the same time building a good network that contributes to my professional development.
I enjoy interacting with all of project teams and helping them plan successful projects. Then seeing customers be amazed at what our teams do.
If you do not lead people they will fail you every time. If you help them you will have successful projects.
A bucket list item is to hike across Isle Royale, short or long way just to get to the island would be great.
My role allows me to interact with all departments here at RJM.
That there is a constant change. All jobs have their own set of requirements.
I grew up racing motocross.
Nothing ever goes as planned so you need to learn how to be quick on your feet and adaptable and be able to blow out the flame when things get hot!
A lot of people don’t know that I am left-handed.
Every single person that I have had the privilege to work with has been so understanding and helpful whenever I have a question. Everyone I have met is so nice and they really seem like they care about you as an individual.
Ask questions. A lot of questions. Even if you think you know the answer, still ask the question. Someone always knows more than you do.
Halloween is my favorite holiday!
I love being a PM because I love problem-solving and coming up with out-of-the-box solutions for complex problems.
From the office staff to the field crew, I really enjoy working with the team here at RJM.
Safety. It has become the way of life at the job site which brings us home to enjoy our families every day.
I like farming. Like construction, they both have challenges, but there is nothing more I’d rather do then be in the field in the spring and fall.
I like working with the people at RJM, it’s a great organization. I also like the diversity of projects.
I have learned there are many ways of doing things to obtain the same outcome. Doing as much as you can today will help with the curveballs that come at you tomorrow.
I love to go to swap meets and garage sales early on the weekends, even if I don’t buy anything. I’m in constant search of the rare finds.
One thing I have learned is that you never know everything and you need to keep adapting to the change going on around you.
I eat and write left-handed because I broke my right arm when I was younger but pretty much everything else I do right-handed.
I enjoy the working with our employees as they grow in their career and opportunities to provide insights from the myriad of my personal lessons learned.
True success in our industry is most often derived from hard work, coupled with solid, trusted relationships.
During my high school years in Tennessee I worked part-time atop horseback for cattle ranchers.
Making a mistake is an opportunity to learn something new. When I was a first-year carpenter apprentice, an older and wiser Journeyman told me, “The best thing you can do in your career is to be humble; you will gain a lot of knowledge, but just know that there is always more you can learn.”
I am a Journeywomen Carpenter! I loved being in the field working with my hands and enjoy doing finish carpentry. While my husband and I were dating we remodeled multiple kitchens for our family members! We hope to buy a fixer-upper and remodel it ourselves someday!
I enjoy the atmosphere amongst the team and how open everyone is to each other’s input to the development of one another.
Having the opportunity to collaborate and work with great clients and team members.
Communication and teamwork is key to succeed on projects.
I enjoy lawncare and gardening. I strive to have the best lawn in the neighborhood.
While working on large projects it’s nice to meet all the people from different trades.
After being in the construction industry for over 40 years, every morning things are still changing.
One of my hobbies is raising honeybees.
The people are the best part about this business. I’m lucky to have such great co-workers and clients.
Always push yourself outside of your comfort zone and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
When I was in high school, I spent the summers traveling through rural Wisconsin searching for antique gas pumps and gas station memorabilia, just like the show American Pickers. I bought and sold over 100 gas pumps and I saved up enough money to pay for my first two years of college.
The little things matter.
I’ve gone bungy jumping 3 times.
Working alongside talented co-workers while improving the communities we live and play in.