January 28, 2022
Each quarter RJM’s Director of Safety Stacy Arnold hosts a safety meeting. This meeting is designed for superintendents and foremen, but depending on the topics covered the project management teams are also invited to participate. Typically the fourth quarter safety meeting is used as an annual review and celebration.
We held the Q4 2021 meeting in January. As a group we discussed lessons learned throughout the year and reinforced safety best practices and celebrated where team members went the extra mile. The training provided at this session covered health and wellness, looking at the importance and benefits of having a daily stretching routine to prevent injury on the job. RJM invited Bre Posey, Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), to deliver a comprehensive stretching overview and smart, easy tips to stay nimble on the job site.
In 2021 RJM launched the Safety Homerun Program for field staff. This program recognizes employees for taking initiative to create a safer work environment. RJM celebrates three winners monthly, with one grand prize winner each quarter. Annually we carefully select one Safety and Excellence team member who stands out by going above and beyond to ensure safety and health not only for themselves, but for other project team members.
We are very proud of our team for engaging in the program, and for their diligence in continuing to foster a safe workplace.
Monthly Winners
Andrew Rueckert
Jacob Solmonson
Tom Peterson
Mike Veaderko
Malon Lindquist
Justin Swendra
Todd Budensiek
Marvin Parrish (twice)
Patrick Lawry
Mike Trisler (twice)
Brian Keillor
Curtis Scarver
Joe Moritz
Matt Fligge
Quarterly Winners
Mike Veaderko
Chris Lindholm
Todd Budensiek
2021 Annual Winner
Todd Budensiek
As we move into 2022, we are excited about continuing our safety programs and best practices.